Thursday, September 4, 2008

We're in Cajun Country!!!

Well everyone, here we are!  Lafayette, Louisiana!  We headed down here in the beginning of July and so far so good!  Both John and I are getting settled into our new jobs and trying to learn the area.  So far, we've survived TWO hurricanes, yes, TWO, since we've moved two months ago.  I'd say that's one heck of an initiation!  Welcome to living below sea level, right?? We were lucky enough to have to spend two nights in the hospital for Hurricane Gustav.  John brought his camera, of course, and snapped a few shots of our adventure.  To see them, click here.  Besides the roof leaking in the ER and water coming in under the automatic doors, the hospital made it through just fine.  We only lost power for about one hour... so John didn't even have to miss the Tennessee game! Hurricane season is almost over, so we are praying for a quiet ending!! Especially since we'll be in our new house soon!  :) I'll leave that for another post!  We'll talk to you later!  

Welcome to the Flatt blog!!!

Hello everyone!  

Welcome to our blog!  We want to use this blog to keep our friends and family up-to-date with the goings-on in our lives and we hope that even though we're not right around the corner, we can still feel like we are!!  We miss y'all!